Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Just Begin - Musings of a "New" Writer

I've always wanted to write a book.  Some of my earliest memories are of myself typing away on my parents' old "dinosaur" computer writing short stories.  I loved using the typewriter too.  *sigh*  Those were the days!  Have I mentioned I love the sound of typing?  That may be beside the point, but I love the sound of typing (and clapping, but that's another thing).  

Anyway back to my point!  I've always wanted to write a book - a novel, a picture book, pretty much any type of book!  The idea of creating something amazing just from words alone intimidates me, however.  I worry that my characters and plot won't be interesting, I worry that I won't be able to have enough dialog and ideas to make it any normal length, the list  of worries could go on and on!

With the deterioration of my health especially these last few years, more than ever I have wanted to write.  The one downfall:  writing takes energy both in the mind and body.  On the flip side, creating something can invigorate and (to a degree) energize even someone with serious health issues like me.  

This brings me to where I am today: ready to write!  I don't care if it isn't perfect, if it's boring, if no one but me ever reads it once it's completed.  I just want to start and finish something and learn new skills along the way.  I hope you'll join in with me on my writing journey!  I welcome any tips or pointers along the way that may help me complete my goal and find success!  

Here I go!

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